Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Big Boy Room

My baby boy now has a "big boy" room! We weren't planning to move Brayden this soon, but rather in another month or two (or three). He never figured out how to crawl into or out of his crib, so we were in no rush to move him. However, last Tuesday night he had a nightmare about 3am and woke up SCREAMING. It scared me to death! He refused to go back in his room for the next couple of days and I did not want to start a habit of him sleeping with us. While he sleeps great, Greg and I do not get much (if any) sleep when he is in the bed with both of us. I had already bought the comforter, sheets, valances, etc. for his big boy room over the past few weeks since I new the move would be coming soon. So we spent the weekend painting and getting his new room set up. Brayden is very excited about his new room and tells everyone he sees about his new "big boy" room.  He has done really well sleeping in there, but I have heard a few "thud"s when he rolls into the wall in his sleep, and he rolled off the foot of the bed two nights ago!  I've added a few pillows to the foot of the bed since then, so hopefully that will keep him in the bed  : )  He is all over the place when he sleeps!  Now if we could just get the potty training under control, he really would be a big boy!  Here are a few pictures of the "big boy" room.
 Helping daddy paint
 One happy big boy

 The train wall hanging is one my mom made for my brother's nursery when he was a baby!


Catherine said...

Love the big boy room! It does look bright and cheery, like he is. See you in a few days!

Anonymous said...

He's Grandma's big boy!

Gina said...

looks great! is bradyen gonna be a big brother?!?!