Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Brayden is 2!

Brayden is 2 years old today!  Where has the time gone?

 October 13, 2008
October 13, 2009
 October 13, 2010

We have done lots of celebrating for his birthday.  On Sunday, we had a birthday party at the park with all of his friends.  It was a beautiful day, although it felt more like summer than fall!  Brayden really enoyed the party, especially the cake that Grammy made for him.  He definitely has a sweet tooth!  He wasn't as into opening presents as I had thought he would be....he would want to play with whatever toy he opened and not move on to the next present!  Here are a few pictures from the party: 

We also celebrated his birthday at school on Tuesday.  He got to eat more cake and snacks with his MMO pals.
We are going to celebrate once again tonight with cake and presents.  It's hard to believe that my baby boy is 2 years old already.  It really has flown by quick!

Happy Birthday Brayden...We Love You!!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Glad Brayden had a great birthday, he's getting to be such a big boy!