I didn't realize I hadn't posted anything in awhile. The past few weeks have been a blur...we've been busy, busy, busy! The weekend before last, Greg's brother & family (Skip, Bernadette & Luciana) came down to NC. We spent a long weekend at Grammy & Grandpa Parr's visiting with everyone. We spent most of the weekend in the pool, which was very much needed in the 90+ weather! Brayden & Luciana had some good cousin bonding time....she really seemed to enjoy playing with him and his toys. We only get to see her a few times a year, so she has changed so much since we last saw her!
Brayden & Luciana
After their visit, we came home for two days to pack and get ready for our trip to NY to visit Greg's other relatives. We decided to break up the 11 1/2 hour drive into two days to make it a little easier for Brayden. He did great on the way up! Everyone there was so happy to see him (and I guess Greg and I too), although he was very clingy to me for the most part. Brayden has definitely become a mama's boy. He eventually warmed up and let others hold him, thank goodness...my arms were tired! He saw Lake Ontario, went to cousin Heather's graduation party and watched the July 4th parade while we were there. He couldn't stay up late enough for the fireworks though! We enjoyed spending time with the family and experiencing some cool weather for a change. (It was in the low 70s while we were there) The drive back was not so good. We were stuck in traffic for over two hours in PA and Brayden was VERY fussy. I think he has had enough of the car for quite awhile.
Watching the waves crash at Lake Ontario
With Great Grandpa & Gramma Sharkey
Watching the parade with daddy
While we had a great time seeing everyone, we are glad to finally be home and able to get things back to normal. Click here to see more pictures.
He's a Grandma's boy, too, and there's nothing wrong with that! So sweet, so loveable.
looks like y'all had a good time. bet the cooler weather was a nice change. love your new header. those are some pretty blue eyes :)
Glad you had a good trip, rest up this weekend so you can take the short trip to Wilmington next weekend!
We had a great time with "y'all" too! Wish we could see you more often. Brayden is growing so fast!! Love you guys!!
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