Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Snow Day

We had a big time enjoying our snow day. It started snowing during the early morning hours and didn't stop until 3:00pm or so. We got around 5" at our house, which may not seem like much for our northern relatives, but it's a big deal down here in the south! I enjoyed seeing all the neighborhood kids playing and wished I could have joined them! It was the first big snow that Callie has seen, and she wasn't quite sure what to think of it. She wouldn't go outside at first, but I finally coaxed her out and she ran several laps around the yard in it before going right back to the door. She did enjoy trying to catch the snowballs we threw to her. We also bundled Brayden up and took him out for a few pictures & video. I stuffed him in his snowsuit one last time (which is much too small for him already!) and Greg laid him in the snow to make a snow angel. You can see more pictures of our snow day by clicking here. I'm going to go make some hot chocolate & warm up now!


Catherine said...

What a perfect snow angel your little angel makes!

Judy said...

I knew he was an angel!

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are great! And your little angel is the best. The dog, well . . .

Gina said...

i'm glad he got to play in his first NC snow. love the snow angel pic!