Brayden is one month old today...I can't believe it! The past month has been much different than we ever imagined. Who would have thought such a little person could require so much time and leave us so exhausted? But it has definitely been a wonderful, wonderful month with Brayden in our lives. He has changed so much in such a short amount of time. He doesn't even look like the same baby that was born one month ago.
October 13, 2008

November 13, 2008 - 1 month old
This past week, he has started to give us an occasional smile when we talk to him and a "coo" every here and there. I love to see & hear them both and look forward to them occurring more often. I've tried to catch them on film, but he must be camera shy because he always stops when I turn it on =)
We have really enjoyed the first month of his life and look forward to seeing how he grows & changes in the months to come, although it's going by too fast already!
He's just getting too cute! We need a pic with no pacifier next.
let me know when you and greg need a babysitter for a dinner date. i know three little girls who would love to entertain their baby BOY cousin! he's adorable!
How cute, he is growing so much! Won't be too much longer before we're FINALLY able to see him again.
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