Time is flying by these days...I can't believe I am in my 36th week already! An updated "baby bump" picture is above. I'm still feeling pretty good for the most part, but I am starting to get a little more uncomfortable as the days go by. Not much longer though...
I've had two baby showers given for me the past few weeks, and I'll have one more next weekend. We are very fortunate to have so many friends & family to do this for us! A special thank you to you all. We have gotten so many wonderful gifts at these showers, all of which are needed and will be put to good use in just a few short weeks. It is unbelievable how much you need for a baby! You can see pictures from the showers by clicking here. Greg & I have an all day childbirth class scheduled for next Saturday to look forward to...that should be fun! Hopefully it won't be too traumatizing for either of us!
Hang in there! Can't wait to see my newest second cousin, once removed (you're impressed by my family tree prowess aren't you?)
if you're too uncomfortable in about 2-3 weeks, you can always try the tacos and pineapple. worked for me x2.
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