Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Happy Birthday Connor!

Connor turned 1 on March 1st.  Seems like it was just yesterday that he was born!  What a difference a year makes:
We celebrated his special day with dinner with the Grammy & Grampa, followed by cake, with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle David, Madeline, Lydia and Margo joining us.  He opened a few gifts too, with lots of help from big brother Brayden.
We had a larger family birthday party on Saturday evening. Brayden was so excited for Connor's party...he talked about it all week!

 Beautiful and delicious cakes made by Grammy
Mmmm, this cake is good!  The small bit of icing on his forehead was about as messy as he got with his smash cake.  He really didn't eat too much of it.
 Opening presents.  As you can see, everyone wanted to help!
 In his new ride from mommy & daddy. 

Can't believe it's been a year already!  Birthdays are always so bittersweet to me, especially the 1st birthday.  The past year has been one to remember, for sure.  Going from one child to two was a major change that no one could have prepared us for, but we've loved every minute of it (minus the sleepless nights)  ;)  Connor has been such a blessing to our family and I love watching the relationship between he and Brayden.  They truly love each other to pieces!  Looking forward to seeing what the future holds for us.  Happy Birthday, sweet Connor!  We Love You!