We took a family trip up to Oswego, NY last week to visit with Greg's relatives. Brayden did GREAT on the drives there and back, 11 + hours each way! I was a little worried after our bad ride up in January, but he kept busy with a few new toys and lots of DVDs to watch. Oswego's annual hometown festival, Harborfest, was going on while we were there, so we got to enjoy some of the activities each day. On Saturday, some good friends we met in NC who moved back to NY last summer came to Oswego for the day. It was great to catch up with them and Brayden enjoyed playing with their son, Keaghan. We got to spend lots of time with Greg's relatives too, including cousin Luciana. We were a little bummed that it rained quite a bit while we were there, but it was nice to enjoy the cooler weather! Sunday was a beautiful day, which was perfect for the family reunion we went to at a local park. Brayden was such a trooper for the entire trip...he made himself right at home everywhere we went and was quite a ham for all of the relatives. Here are some pictures from our trip:

Playing at Harborfest
Brayden & Luciana took part in a kids "band"...Luciana decided to dance instead of playing the tamborine
Brayden & Keaghan
Playing in the sand with cousins at the family reunion
Brayden & Great Grandma Sharkey
After playing hard at the reunion